Good Morning My Confidants
A few weeks ago, my husband RBear found me two original Skipper dolls from around 1964/1965, along with their original boxes at an estate sale for only $35 (total!).
This was amazing!
He looked them up to see what they were going for on eBay, and saw he was getting them for a steal.
And on top of that, he thinks I have way too many dolls, but he got them for me anyway.
That is love. That is what love is really about.
But they were pretty dirty, and their hair was in a sorry state, very dry, frizzy, a bit matted, little bits of it looking as if it was actually gone....
But then they are around sixty years old. If only I looked so good!
(they did have some cute "Mamma made outfits)
There are all kinds of hints out there for what can be done about this, but I was too afraid to try. I am new at this and that hair really was frizzy and what if it broke off or tore out? I would be devastated.
Or at least pretty sad.
But then my doll friend Kathy Humphries Holmes tried her hand at restoring them and did a pretty marvelous job.
Even RBear was impressed.
You can see from the photos how much better the two little girls look!
However, for various reasons, I had to wait two weeks to get them back, believe me with professional restorers it could have taken months, and over coffee this morning, I got them back.....
And look!
She gave me these lovely vintage Skipper outfits in marvelous condition!
Suddenly, they are whispering. They are stirring again. They're so happy to be revived. How long were they in those boxes, in a drawer or attic, not loved, not played with? What person owned them first?
What secrets were whispered in their tiny shell-like ears? What someone was thrilled with clothes obviously sewn for them with love.
When I get these that are near older than me, I feel somehow like they have been interested to me. To care for, and to love, and I do.
I think there's a story in this!
So, "Oh, happy day! Oh happy day!"
I take up my charge seriously and with utmost respect. Skipper and Skipper? I will take care of you.
Starting now, if you don't mind, with me renaming you Kathy and Kaye, in honor of the lady who restored you.
Oh, happy day!
Thank you RBear for finding them and being willing to spend $35 on your husband's collection that you really don't understand! Thank you Kathy for restoring them and gifting us with such lovely vintage clothes for them, which allows them to be real again. Thank you Noah Rossberg-Thomas for your patience with me this morning. And thank you Doll God's for charging, and gifting, me with their care!
Oh, happy day!
BG "Gentle Ben" Thomas