Good Morning My Confidants
I hope this finds you happy and well. Seriously. I'm thinking start my day with a smile.
....deep breath in....
....let it out slowly....
....deep breath in....
....let it out slowly....
Think about all I have to be grateful for....
My family, both family of choice and blood. How lucky I am that I have both. How grateful I am. I'm thankful for my dogs who bring me so much love and light and laughter. I'm grateful for my closest dearest friends, and all their wonders and flaws, I love them and I know they love me.
....deep breath in....
....let it out slowly....
I'm grateful that I'm sitting on a couch that I really love. I'm grateful for noticing the hurdles that I have made, and that I am deep in the process of becoming better. In so many ways. The crazy challenges I'm going through right now. Grateful for how powerful the changes I'm going through are.
....deep breath in....
....let it out slowly....
Grateful for enough food. Grateful for my home. Grateful for running water! Grateful for beautiful weather. It's 51° right now this early in the morning and it's going to be a high of 63° today and that's wonderful.

....deep breath in....
....let it out slowly....
I'm grateful for a full tank of gas. I'm grateful that I'm going to spend time with one of my best friends today. Good company. A partner in changing. I'm grateful for the class I'm taking right now.
....deep breath in....
....let it out slowly....
Because I have so much to be grateful for.
Feel my smile.....
Let it ripple out before me, around me, I'm behind me and beautiful gentle waves, spreading love, spreading peace, both through myself and through everyone around me out into the Forever.
....deep breath in....
....let it out slowly....
This week I've been asked to think on this .... start my day with this, periodically do it throughout the day....
S ... Stop whatever I am doing
T ... Take a deep breath into my body
O ... Observe what I am feeling and thinking
P ... Proceed forward into whatever I am doing
I find it interesting that in this time of churning change within Me, something that I have wanted, that lately I have been easily triggered by other people.... What's that about? It can be just the wrong post, admittedly it's usually something dangerously conservative, or the wrong comment on my own post, and I just suddenly all but explode.
Then hands on my hips let them in the world know what I think!
But you know, the world really doesn't need to know what I think....
Who's going to remember 15 minutes from now? Why do I feel I have to say something? Because I don't! Because I'm either preaching to the choir or I'm throwing my words at a stone wall.
I feel, and I have felt, something really big happening. Like I'm about to burst out of cocoon. It's a big deal. It comes with some struggles. But it also comes with joy. As I begin to change my mental equivalent of this world. As I shed those old beliefs that are entrenched in danger and fear and limit and not enough and anger....
....and replace them constantly and continuously with safety and well-being and unlimited potential and plenty and love......
And now, the "weird" way that I have learned to pray..... (I don't take credit for writing this particular prayer although the editor in me came out)

"There is One Infinite Presence that permeates everything, encompassing all of creation, from which all things are made. This One Presence is the Source of All Life. This is the Truth that prevails everywhere and in everything....
"I am One with the Source of All Life. I am One with the Truth that prevails everywhere and in everything....
"It is from this knowing that I speak this work for myself, that I live in a Universe of Infinite Possibilities. Life is for me, and I'm aligned with the Truth of Life. I know that as I expand my mental belief of what is possible in my life, the demonstration, the thought made reality, of that possibility is made visible. I plant the seeds of possibility, and the possibility grows in my experience.
"I am so grateful for this demonstration of Truth in my life. I accept my expanded good, and give thanks for knowing that Life is always for me.
"I released this word into the Law and know it is already done, perfect, whole, and complete.
"And so it is."
....deep breath in....
....let it out slowly....
No begging. No pleading. No making of deals. The pure knowledge that I know that the Universe is conspiring for my greatest good.
I am tired of getting angry. I'm so tired of it.
I've been making this promise that I'm going to stop leaving my unwanted two cents on people's posts, or in real life. If they want my "money" they'll ask.
I will not be triggered today.
No! The Law doesn't respond to "not" but only to thought. Thinking triggering means triggering will come. So....
I will react only in the truth that we all have different truths and I will maintain mine.
Anytime that I find something that agitates me or gives me anxiety or makes me want to panic or makes me want to scream I'm going to....

S ... Stop whatever I am doing
T ... Take a deep breath into my body
O ... Observe what I am feeling and thinking
P ... Proceed forward into whatever I am doing
...and to help I can think on The Four Agreements:
"Be impeccable with my word",
"Do not take anything personally",
"Do not make assumptions",
"Always do my best..."
Anyone want to join me?
And so it is,
BG "Gentle Ben" Thomas
I'll take your 'money' any time!!🤣 I will STOP today and think upon It! Great job!😁