Good Morning My Confidants
Looks like it's tea again this morning. Darn.
But my body seems to have decided somewhere around 3:30 this morning that it is time to start getting rid of the stuff that has made me feel so bad. It is still hurting, but nothing like before, and what the doctor said seems to be true. This is about Day 5 or so and that is when reports are that people are getting over this.
At least the Universe was very kind yesterday in that I felt good enough to go to church yesterday, go to a movie late afternoon yesterday, and finally go to my favorite place to eat in Kansas City (and mayhap the world at this point), the French restaurant, La Fou Le Fou Frog.
What a meal! I even had a cocktail! An appetizer of escargot, and kangaroo for my entree. It was all so delicious.
And then I had two pieces of the violet velvet cake Noah made for me that was incredibly good. And gorgeous. It was all gorgeous.
I was so happy.
And I did something very important!
I savored every moment.
Most importantly of all, I acted through my very cells as if I do this all the time. I didn't treat it as you-better-enjoy-this-because-who-knows-when-it-will-happen-again (or at least I tried not to). I treated it with absolute feelings that this is what I deserve. I deserve the best.
That does not mean that I didn't appreciate it! Please don't misunderstand. It wasn't a feeling of boredom! It wasn't apathy! No way.
But it wasn't wow-poor-Ben-gets-to-have-something-special-for-once! It was instead Ben-is-loving-every-second-of-this-and-he's-so-happy-and-so-grateful-for-his-day-and-his-many-blessings.
Because what I think about--and thank about--I bring about.
And today I am thinking about getting better. I am getting better. It is happening as I type these words. Better and better and better!
And this coming Sunday, when I have a small get-together of friends, I am going to be entertaining. Why I already had a wonderful surprise when last night my dear and wonderful friends Belinda and John stopped by with a handmade giant decoration for my "When I'm 64 Party"! It must have taken hours! And they did it because they love me. And if I can get such love, then I must deserve it. I must have done something to deserve their love.
And to deserve that kind of love is incredibly special.
Yesterday I got hundreds of birthday greetings on social media and some added beautiful personal touches that took my breath away. Messages that said I make the world a better place.
Well, if that is true then I have a mission. I must continue to deserve such praise. And I will do that by continuing to love my fellow human beings. To be kind.
And that is my religion after all. Kindness.
I want to thank everyone who made my day so special.
I hope in some small way I make your days special as well.
With love,
BG "Gentle Ben" Thomas