Today is Mother's Day and what a very very special day it is.
And, Mom! I love you!
And I am so grateful that the Universe chose Marjorie Ann as my mother. She taught me, and continues teach me, about love, patience, empathy, honesty, humility, kindness, respect, generosity, gratitude, responsibility, and so much more. I know that some of my own very best qualities, especially the moral foundation I stand upon, are due to her example and loving instruction as I grew up.
I love my mother so much. I thank her for being who she is, and for being the best mother for me and my brother, Jeff. She might not be perfect, but she has truly been perfect for us.
To my wonder mothers-in-law, Sher and Mona. I am so lucky to have such loving and unconditional family.
To all the mothers out there in the world, Happy Mother's Day! I am grateful for you all. The life on this entire planet rests on your shoulders and hearts, from the birds, to mammals of all kinds, and to those human mothers who have the choice to be who you are. Not all those who give birth will, or can, take on this most important responsibility.
To every woman who gave birth who could not take on this responsibility, but who did the responsible thing and made sure your child was taken care of, I hold you high and bless you with all my heart.
To all of you out there who are mothers in someone's life, stepmothers, aunts, foster mothers, big sisters, nannies, teachers, and more, Happy Mother's Day!
To the memory of Kaththea, who gave birth to my beautiful daughter, and who gave me the best daughter I could have ever dreamed of!
To all the men out there who do what mothers do in someone's life, single fathers, gay parents, and more, Happy Mother's Day!
To all of those, no matter your gender or your gender identification, who are a mother to anyone, Happy Mother's Day!
But today, most especially, I am grateful.... MY mother, a truly wonderful woman, who has always put my brother and me first, who has sacrificed so much, who has loved me unconditionally even though I know at times I must have felt like a changeling, and who l love beyond words...
Your son,