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Happy Saturday from Anchor Island Coffee

Writer's picture: B.g. ThomasB.g. Thomas

Good Morning My Confidants!

How are you this morning? Well, I hope. I am slow to really mentally wakeup this morning, but it's happening. That's a good thing!

I am down another 2.2 pounds making a total of 23 pounds gone! Wow! That is wonderful! It is slowing way down, but I expected that, and as Noah said, reflect on the good! The positive that the weight is going in the right direction.

In honor of Anchor Island Coffee's four-year anniversary, this Saturday begins at one of the friendliest coffee shops in the world! We love it here! And we love Armando, the owner we've meet (his spouse and co-owner works a "regular" day job), as well as everyone who works here. They are always so friendly and happy and it's a nice place to start your day. If you're ever in Kansas City, drop in. You'll be glad you did!

We really like supporting small businesses, and while we can't always do that, we do it when we can, and coffee shops are a good way to do that. We are not Starbuck's people. I won't yuck your yum if that's your place, but coffee snobs love a different kind of shop altogether. Places like Anchor Island stand for so much and spread their love and support to the community, both GLBTQ+ and otherwise.

And they support small businesses by hosting pop-ups all the time! They are so happy to support small business owners and I think that is pretty incredible! I don't see anyone today, but it is probably one of the first times we've been here that they didn't have someone right up front with their wares, everything from candles to jewelry to crochet to a comic artist and illustrator to someone who makes lovely moss & floral art. I swear I need to do one with my books some Saturday!

They even supply safe sex kits! Who does that? (well, people who care about their community!)

One of the things I love best about city life is the multitude of small businesses. People breaking away from Big Brother and doing something they love and something they want to do. And when you walk in, oh! the way they greet you! SO nice. I often bring one of my Ken or Barbies and Robert, one of the baristas, is always excited and shows me pictures on their phone of their collection. We can even share Barbie gossip! LOL!

We don't have much planned today after leaving here, just a couple errands. Who knows what today will bring. It is already 48° and is getting up to 69°. Awesome! I am wearing shorts! The next best thing to not wearing anything, and since we don't live in a nudist colony or Seattle, shorts is where it is at! And maybe a partial explanation why I hate winter. Too many clothes!

I didn't remember to smile before I climbed out of bed, but I have stopped and smiled several times, really genuine times, and I can feel the difference. I don't know if anyone you are trying that experiment with me, but I hope you will.

I am also remembering to....

S ... Stop whatever I am doing

T ... Take a deep breath into my body

O ... Observe what I am feeling and thinking

P ... Proceed forward into whatever I am doing

It really helps! I need to have it made in business care size to I can pull it out of my wallet throughout the day when I can't (yet) remember what all the letters stand for.

If you are on my prayer list, know that I started my day that way as well. And if you want to be on it, just ask. I try and keep you all in mind as a whole, but I believe in focusing on those who ask for it as well. AND for those of you who don't know, I pray in a very different way than how I was taught. I don't beg God, I don't bargain ("God, if you will only let me xxx, then I promise I will xxx) because that is just silly and anyone who prays that way doesn't understand what Jesus taught. He taught.....

"...give us this day our daily bread." No begging, no pleading, no bargaining. Go look it up. There isn't even any asking! It starts by recognizing that there is a higher power (we don't have to define it). If I am "praying" for you, I am not praying to some particular God or definition of God or any religion. I am praying to the Universe, that is reflected in me and that I reflect. Here is the prayer I am using this week....

"There is One Infinite Presence that permeates everything, encompassing all of creation, from which all things are made. This One Presence is the Source of All Life. This is the Truth that prevails everywhere and in everything....

"I am One with the Source of All Life. I am One with the Truth that prevails everywhere and in everything....

"It is from this knowing that I speak this work for myself, that I live in a Universe of Infinite Possibilities. Life is for me, and I'm aligned with the Truth of Life. I know that as I expand my belief of what is possible in my life, there is a demonstration of that thought made real. I plant the seeds of possibility, and the Universe responds.

(it is here than I go through my list of people and throw in anyone else I can think of)

"I am so grateful for this demonstration of Truth in my life. I accept this expanded good, and give thanks for knowing that Life is always for all.

"I released this word into the Law and know it is already done, perfect, whole, and complete.

"And so it is."

I personally want to make my life a prayer. To do my best to only think of the good, both for me and those I love. And I want to remember to reflect that in how I react to those around me. If they are spreading ugliness, I will react in caring and love. It is what I am practicing. It is my practice. Because my religion is kindness. And acting or reacting in other way does nothing to help me or anyone else.

I want to be a cause of love and good in this world.

Step by step, I am getting there!

Today I see only love and kindness and good.

May it surround all of all through this day and outward forever.


BG "Gentle Ben" Thomas

PS: Below are Armando and Mike (left to right), who started Anchor Island Coffee in September 2019, finally opening the doors the public March 2020. Happy Anniversary boys!

PPS: Here is the info you need to find them. Find them!


Mar 16, 2024

Whoop whoop..progress is progress no matter how you slice it!!🤣 An enjoyable, slow day is a blessing. The warmth today was super, too!😁


Jean Stuntz
Jean Stuntz
Mar 16, 2024

May the Light fill your life and be so bright that others can be guided to it.

B.g. Thomas
B.g. Thomas
Mar 18, 2024
Replying to

I wish you your heart's desire! Love you!


Anne Regan
Anne Regan
Mar 16, 2024

Congratulations on your progress!

B.g. Thomas
B.g. Thomas
Mar 18, 2024
Replying to

Thank you so much, dear one!


Will Jones
Will Jones
Mar 16, 2024

I will sometimes have Starbucks due to ease, but will usually go to other places. There's a local place not far that I like to go. Also, I'm a fan of Dutch Bros

B.g. Thomas
B.g. Thomas
Mar 18, 2024
Replying to

I will have Starbucks if I am with my daughter or if I am in the mood for one of their "milkshakes." But I never go there for simply coffee. I would like to hear about your local place....!


2024 (c) B.G. Thomas. All rights reserved.

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